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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Think about it?

Does God and healthcare mix? When most of us say our prayers we usually pray for the sick and being able to provide for our family by being successful at work, but where does the line get drawn. When I pray for success at work am I also praying for people to get sick? Because the only way for me to get O2 orders is for people to get sick. So should I continue to pray for the sick that they get well or do I pray for being sucessful at work and hope that people get sick for just a short period of time?



D-Man said...

I would just that people are just going to get sick no matter what you do. Thats just a fact of life. It's how the whole healthcare industry works.

globaljunkie said...

Think of it this way. You are providing a service that helps people get well. So you are an instrument in God's hands by helping sick people get better. Don't you like how I can make this up.

Bowb said...

I don't think you made it up. You got it off the side of a cereal box.

BS and the Kids said...

To quote Bishop Richard C. Edgley from the Nov. Conference Issue "In every one of these instances, the families who lost a loved on expressed increased faith, increased love for the Savior, increased gratitude for the Atonement, and heartfelt thankfulness for an organization that responds to the deepest emotional and spiritual needs of its members. These families now speak about how they got to know the Lord through their adversity."
It is somewhat ironic, but illness is part of life and mortality. It has been around since the beginning of time. Maybe healthcare wouldn't have to exist if we all had faith in miracles, like when Christ was around and would heal the sick. But we don't. And people are also going to get sick for their choices and actions, not everyone, but some. But life is full of trial and adversity, that is part of the plan, and health issues will be one of those challenges we have to get through. But I pray, and I pray hard, that it won't be me and my family. So, does that mean I am praying for others to get sick so I have a job, absolutely not. I would never wish what I have seen families endure at the hospital on anyone. So, I pray for all. And when I pray when I go to work, I pray that I will be competent and help their child get out of there!!!

chris said...

Not all healthcare is about illness. Wade does a booming business based purely on the vanity of the human race.

globaljunkie said...

vanity is fleeting, particualrly in a recession....latest statistics show boob jobs and lipo are on the decline...