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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

MRI and Circumcision

You may be wondering what these have to do with each other. Both are great experiences at the local hospital. I had an MRI on my back today. Nothing like being crammed into a small tube for 25 minutes with a jack hammer going off inside. Not an experience that I'd like to repeat. At least it only cost $125....

So I had a kidney stone earlier and had to see a urologist. During the exam he non-chalantly picks up me privates and says " i see you've been circumcised" I said yes, to which he asked "how old where you when you were circumcised?" "is your son circumcised?" "how old was he" then he had a colleague come and check it out as well. was ready to turn my backside and ask if he wanted to examine my a-hole as well while he was at it.....

incredible india......


BS and the Kids said...

That's pretty funny. Did you ask to see his "uncircumsised" parts as well. Speaking of, are you planning on circumsising the wee one. How is Pris doing?

Bowb said...

So how old were you? And are you getting the we one done?

globaljunkie said...

of course wee one is getting snipped.....

BS and the Kids said...

Well, you know with Pris coming from over there we weren't sure how she would feel.