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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

American Politics and the Elites who run.

Wow! I can honestly say that there is really no one to vote for next year for the office of President. All are elitist, and all have grownup in wealthy families. Maybe Mitt or Fred, but that is really it.
All of the candidates have had moral issues that are making it hard to decide who to vote for. Mitt was for abortion and now has changed, which is good, but will he support any new pro-life bills or will he let them slid under the table. Giuliani has so many moral blockers that I don't have time to go into. This also can be said for McCain, Huckabee, and Ron Paul. Truly, Fred is the only one with the best answer to the abortion issue, "let the states decide", or let the people make their own choices and then let's put that to law. Would this happen, no, the media and evangelical Christians don't like the idea that Fred has put forth, why, probably because the "people" will be split down the middle. Easterners and Californians will be for abortion and the west and mid-west will be against. Heck all moral issues should go to the "people" and then government should create the laws that the "people" either voted for or against. This goes for, gay rights, abortion, capital punishment, etc. Government should not make these decisions for the people, the people should make these decisions for themselves. As the BofM says let the people destroy themselves and then the wrath of God will come down upon them.
Has this been the policy for the government, no, and this is where government has definitely gone astray. Instead of representation of the people for the people, we now have representation of the elite for the elite. Government policy should not be in the hands of the few, but in the hands of the masses.
What irks me the most is when the elitists, both republican and democrat, go out and say we represent the people and we believe in the people and want to listen to the people, when in fact their pockets are being filled from the coffers of elite lobbying groups. I am for lobbying, but lobbying should be curtailed and limited in what it can do. Wouldn't it be nice if the politicians acted upon their true natures and showed themselves as they really are? Then we would really know who to trust and to vote for.
Now campaign promises, here is an issue I love to discuss. When was the last time a President actually did what he promised to do during the election. I know of just one Ronald Regan. He followed through with his campaign promises, by cutting taxes, ending tyranny, and helping the economy get out of the hole. Yes, Bush 2 has done very well, but you get the feeling that he is manipulating the system behind the scenes and helping the NWO to come about more quickly. In the end what this country needs is a president that grew-up poor and fought his/her way to survive, who believes in freedom for the masses, and understands that government should be small, and that freedom and rights were God given. We need a Captain Moroni! What elitist best fits this, NONE. So I guess we vote for the second best. Again this is either Fred or Mitt, in my opinion.


globaljunkie said...

I think it's time America move past the abortion issue. Making it illegal wont stop people who want to get an abortion from getting one, it simply moves it out of the light and into a darker area. Not that I support abortion, but I think there are times/legitimatt reasons when it's required. And in the end they will all be judged. And we need to move beyond moral issues. While it is a guage of character, what good is the gospel of repentance if we hold candidates in guilt for past transgressions? Not that I would vote for any of them anyway. We need to go back to the days when a good individual could wlk off the street and run for president.

chris said...

What do you care you're not a citizen anymore? I don't support abortion on moral grounds, but I think the government shouldn't dictate to a woman about it either. I think that is the position Romney had while governor. I've been told the church has asked us to support candidates who are pro-life, but since they usually stay out of politics I'd have to see an actual quote to believe that, and still would vote my conscience.
And what good individual walked off of the street and became Prez? Politics takes money and power.

D-Man said...

I think that a womans choice begins with the decision to have sex in the first place. After that, if she's not willing to deal with the consequences, then she probably shouldn't be having sex. There are simple ways to avoid getting pregrant, the most of which are 99% effective. Thus, I feel that a woman gives up that choice the moment she decides to have sex without the use of a contraceptive. The government already ditactes the consequences to murder, and if we believe that life begins at conception, then how is abortion any different than murder? Anyways, I just wanted to say that, not in an argumentive way, just to express my thoughts.

chris said...

Ultimately I agree with you, but it never works to legislate responsibility. People are DUMB!! I can remember 1 patient who had 3 abortions by the time she was 20. Nice huh? But still, you have never been pregnant and to force that on someone when they don't want it (albeit like you said that choice was made when they decided to have sex) will probably never work in this country.
On an interesting side note, the woman who was Roe in Roe Vs. Wade is now opposed to abortion rights

The Lackey Legend said...

The issue is not abortion but the elites who run our government and dictate to us how they feel government should be ran. All I am saying is that our leaders should be people off the street, farmers, doctors, bankers, etc. Who once they are done with their elected post go back to their daily job. We need someone who is not a career politician, but a everyday man.