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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

not quite right....

my daily commute... http://flickr.com/photos/37134561@N00/296185325/ quite funny to see four guys lined up taking a whizz....one of the walls actually collapsed from all the acid.....or the time I saw two guys strip down to their skivvies and take a shower from a water tank...in the middle of the airport runway while I was taxiing for take off.....incredible India....


D-Man said...

I actually saw stuff like that all the time on my mission. Even saw a few girls squat and pee. Now that's a new one. They had signs painted on the sides of buildings that looked like a dude, and written on the side were the words "no pisi".

chris said...

Hey, I see stuff like that in LA even. Last week, I was going to pick Kyrie up from Seminary. On the corner of Doheny & Wilshire was a homeless man with his pants down around his ankles, and his hand up his rear end digging for "gold" I think he had defecated and was attempting to clean himself a bit right there on a busy street in the heart of Beverly Hills. There was a cop behind me who stopped to take care of the "problem". On the way back a street crew was there disinfecting the sidewalk. This morning going to pick her up I saw a different homeless guy who "lives" on Santa Monica. He had his pants down doing his business but it looked like he was going in a bag or something.