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1. No fake news.  2. No politics.  3. No religion.  All such post will be deleted. All old post that broke these rule have been removed.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


I don't want to cause to much of an uproar for all you BYU fans out there, but did anyone else notice how the Utes dominated UCLA? Just a moment for reflection...


globaljunkie said...


I am a Utah man, sir, and I live across the green.
Our gang, it is the jolliest that you have ever seen.
Our coeds are the fairest and each one's a shining star.
Our yell, you hear it ringing through the mountains near and far.

Who am I, sir? A Utah man am I A Utah man, sir, and will be till I die; Ki!Yi!
We're up to snuff; we never bluff,
We're game for any fuss,
No other gang of college men
dare meet us in the muss.
So fill your lungs and sing it out and shout it to the sky,
We'll fight for dear old Crimson,
for a Utah man am I.

BS and the Kids said...

You Remember that? Wow. Impressive. Congrats on Pris. No one knew but mom-and I from the newsletter.