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Monday, September 17, 2007

photo layout


chris said...

don't know what is going on, but everytime i try to fix my post it won't work. . .here goes again...
how did you get your photos of Moscow to layout so nicely? everytime i try mine are helterskelter
any hints or tips

BS and the Kids said...

When you go to do a new post, click on the picture icon and browse your computer for the picture, wait for it to upload and then add more pictures as you want them. I put three in a row and the 4th picture on the next row and it bumped the 3rd picture to the next row with the last picture so it looked right. Then when I did the small pictures (size choice) I just lined them all up next to each other. I hope that makes any sense and helps. Let me know if you have more questions.

BS and the Kids said...

Oh, also, if you delete all the extra space between them and line them up underneath each other that helps as well.