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Monday, September 17, 2007

elders quorum in LA

Wade has discovered the perils of teaching Elders Quorum in liberal LA. He taught a lesson yesterday on marriage, and listed what he felt were some of the things assaulting the institue of marriage such as homosexuals trying to redefine the meaning of marriage, dead beat dads, ect. He mentioned living in the South and seeing what dead beat dads were doing to the black culture and what a problem it was for them especially. After class, as I was coming in with the kids, he was being layed into by a guy claiming that adultery is more to blame for problems with marriage than homosexuals and that he was a racists for his comments on blacks. I made a quick exit with the kids and didn't catch the rest. Then in the parking lot he was approached by another guy he was asking a question about sticking to principles and what about singles who are at dances where there is really no interaction going on between the sexes? What????? Needless to say, he probably won't accept an offer to fill in again. I told him to blow it off and to remember it is always right to stick up for what is right and true and reminded him about what the proclamation on the family says.

Back to the first guy in the classroom, he was going on about "the church can make any claims it wants to about not smoking/drinking/marriage" as I was walking in. It's probably a good thing Wade handled it as I would have looked at him and said, "so now we are questioning the teachings of the prophets and revelation and replacing them for our own belief system?" or something to that effect. I don't know. Sexual sin is sexual sin. Maybe homosexuals are born with more of a predisposition towards same sex attraction, but it is no different then being attracted to someone of the opposite sex and refraining from acting improperly upon those feelings. I can understand their feelings of never being able to be legally married to someone they love, but I can't question the word of God about it. My first week in Relief Society there were a few comments about some lesbian people (not sure if they were members or friends of members). I wasn't really paying close attention as I had Daniel with me, but I sure get the feeling that more traditional/conservative ways of thinking are looked upon as closed minded around here. Enough of that soap box.

1 comment:

BS and the Kids said...

Sounds about right for that area. Just remember, as long as you stick to gospel principles, the spirit can be there. It is too bad that Wade volunteered for that as well. Better luck next time.