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Friday, September 7, 2007

Luscious Lips

So I feel like I am constantly getting cold sores, or my lips have bad reactions or something and for the past two days my bottom lip has been the size of my whole face (or at least that's what it feels like). It's swollen with blisters all over it. It's very painful and uncomfortable. It's gross-looking, and makes me want to crawl into a hole. I think that this time it was a combination of a sunburn from Bear Lake on Monday and stress because work has been awful this week and I still think my Math teacher is a big jerk so that makes school stressful too! I know that I'll pretty much just have to let it go away in a few days, but would lips fall into the dermatology category? I'm wondering if there's something I could put on them to make it heal faster or at least have the swelling go down and be less painful in the healing process.


chris said...

I'll ask Wade what he suggests. There is a med call Zovirax, for herpes infection, but it actually helps cold sores too since that is what they are. There is also Abreva which is OTC and can help. Will get back to you as soon as I talk with Wade. He gets these too, but amazingly I have never had any.

BS and the Kids said...

Chris is right, there is over the counter abreva for cold sores, if that is really what it is. I think Dan might just be sucking to hard on your lip, you need to tell him to stop. Ok, slightly inapporpriate, but called for. As for Chris-never getting any. None of us Lackey's do. We are immune to them. Once you are exposed and never get them, you never will. Just ask Angie.

chris said...

Wade said to have your FIL prescribe some Valtrex and you can try the Abreva. Hope you heal up soon

Amanda said...

Thanks you guys. Nice Sarah...not at all inappropriate. :) Poor kid, I haven't let him kiss me in 2 days. I actually used to use Zovirax when I was little, I just don't know if I gave it time to let it work - my mom would make me put it on and I'd wipe it off because it's white (no girl wants to go to school with bright white lips...) and it stinks and it tastes disgusting (not that I was trying to eat it...) Anyway, maybe I'll go pick up some Abreva tomorrow. The swelling has actually gone down a lot tonight. It will be gone in a day or two, I really think this is the worst I've ever had it. Thanks again.