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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

It's a zoo out there and sometimes its fast to.

Went to the Idaho falls zoo last week and saw some really cool aminals. (Alyssa's way of saying it). The tigers had a good row and the lion got interested. Scared Angie more than anyone because we just watch a show about man eating lions in Africa.

I also just spent the weekend in Kansas. I found Waldo just in case you care.
That's Eric. Not Waldo. But there is a town or something name Waldo. Another friend flowed Eric and I out to Kansas to watch the Nascar races. It was killer and loud. The stadium sits around 150000 peoples and I saw the biggest parking lot of my life. Parked cars for miles.

Now it is time to get back to work.


chris said...

You know you're a redneck if...
so who won?

Heck, when I've been to the IF zoo nothing interesting ever happened.

BS and the Kids said...

Must have been fun. Too bad you can't get something like that written in time for the newsletter.

Bowb said...

Greg Biffle won the race. Race was delayed twice for rain. Once for three hours. Called do to darkness. Biffle ran out of gas under the yellow flag checkered win, some say he shouldn't have won.