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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Rihno's and ER's what do they have in common?

This week has been intereting to say the least. First the Rihno virus decided to make a visit to our home and to say the least I know now why it is called the Rihno virus. Not only was I sick but Am is sick and so is Q2, poor kids. At least I was sick mostly over the weekend and not during the week. Also Car decided that last night we as a family needed to get out of the house and go to the ER for a visit. Car and mom were playing a racing game to the table to see who could get there first and Car won. As she was jumping onto the chair she decided it would be best to contiue the race by flipping off of her chair head first and hit the chair next to hers resulting a nice gash to the noggin. Thus her plans of getting the family out to the ER worked. Once there we only had to wait for 2 1/2 hours to be seen (I can only imagine with socilized medicine what the wait time would be) by a PA who said it did not need stitched just glued. Through it all Car did not cry or even flinch, she took it like a "man". She deffiantly did better than I would have. I wish they had glue when I was a kid. But why such a long wait at the ER? Because people would come in with a fever or a cough and want to see a doc. Listen, if you feel like you have the flu or cold don't come in to the ER and waste valuable time for really hurt or sick people having heart attacks, go to the damn urgent care that is open until 9:00pm. This is all I have to say about that. We finally made it home by 10:00 pm and got the kids off to sleep. Now only if our friend the Rihno would leave.


chris said...

You're in Pocatello still aren't you? Why didn't you go to the urgent care? Probably would've been faster for you too, but I agree. I HATED HATED HATED going to the children's ER in B'ham because the migrant workers and those w/o health insurance used it as primary care. The wait time could be up to 5 hours or more. Ridiculous. If we had to go to the ER we started taking the kids to a private hospital down the road from us that was much more efficient, but still slow.

The Lackey Legend said...

As this is Pocatello all of the Urgent cares close by 7-8 and we did not get to the ER until 7:45, by then only one Urgent care was open.

BS and the Kids said...

Sorry to hear she got hurt, but luckily, only glue. What is the Rihno Virus? You would think I would know, but apparantely that one has slipped by me. Does it, by chance, have another name?

The Lackey Legend said...

Sounds like a big nose drip but it maybe more along the line of Czar's revenge. Sorry Car that you got an hurt. Luv GM