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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Get Out and VOTE

Just reminding all of you with primaries today to get out to vote!!! The kids and I attended a Meet Mitt Ralley last night in Long Beach. We had a good time for awhile, then Dan had had it and started to scream. Embarassing as we were right at the front by the podium. I had to take him out of the crowd. Mitt had a good message and it was fun to see campaigning in action.

The picture of Daniel is him up on the stand. People got to sit up there behind Romney and his family and Dan wanted to join them. Mitt's sister Jane is in our ward and Daniel has "befriended" her. She was sitting a few seats over and he kept trying to get up there to sit by her. The next pic is of Romney with his newest grandson.


BS and the Kids said...

So, did I ever mention that Brett's Grandma is 1st cousins with Mitt. Hence, Brett's middle name, ROMNEY. Anyway, not looking so good for the man. What a shame. I don't know who I will vote for. I know people here in Utah that actually said they were democrats so they could vote for Obama so Hilary wouldn't win. And I wish Huckabee would have dropped out. But with him agreeing to McCain's little plan to get the votes so Romney wouldn't, it sounds like it might just have worked.

chris said...

Yeah, pretty pathetic. But I think I'll still have to vote for McCain no matter how much I dislike it for 2 main reasons: first, I don't think he would ever let legislation for universal healthcare pass and secondly he should be good for the "war on terror" Otherwise I can't stand him.

BS and the Kids said...

I agree with you. I am scared about socialized medicine, and I do think he would make a great commander in chief in terms of being at war right now. He seems pretty stiff to me, it would be weird to see him up with Huckabee but it beats the other options.

D-Man said...

The thing that we need to realize is that while a president runs on a platform, the can't pass any laws without Congress. I guess it just depends on whether or not the two can agree on the idea.

globaljunkie said...

a vote for McCain is a vote for Hillary!!! who wants another geriatric white male in the white house anyway.

D-Man said...

I want another generic white male as much as I want another Bush/Clinton in the white house again. If Hillary is elected, we'll have had a Bush/Clinton in power for over 24 years. I think that there is something wrong with that picture.

D-Man said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
globaljunkie said...

Who's deleting comments? That's my point Dan, there is a fundamental issue with politics today and the formation of dynasties. If McCain wins the republican nomination it's going to split the conservative base and the party won't be strong enough to win. If I could vote I'd chose Obama just for the uniqueness factor.

chris said...

Obama has the most liberal voting record of any sitting senator for the past few years. Sorry, he's not an option either. No matter how much I hate to vote for McCain, I'm going to do it. Yes, the Republican party is in trouble. It needs a major overhaul to get back to it's origins, or it will cease to exist. McCain isn't the one to fix that problem. I don't know that anyone can do it. Maybe Newt. He should make a comeback.

D-Man said...

I'm going to write myself in. But I don't think that I meet the age requirements, so that sucks.