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Thursday, February 28, 2008

No She Is Not!

For everybody trying to find out what "the big news" is in my families life, it's surely is not the my wife is preggers. So for everyone that has called and anyone that wants to call the answer to that question is NO! The news that is probably being referred to is that we have moved, my dog died, a cat ran away, another cat now lives at the neighbors, one of my nephews killed Logan's fish and we are still unpacking. I have had more money put into my contract and I am still able to pay the bills. Also I am taking piano lessons and this one song in the key of A is driving me crazy. Simple little song but it sure does hate me.


BS and the Kids said...

Sorry, maybe my newsletter coming made some to believe, but yes, the news you referred to is what I was talking about. Your life has been full the last little bit and no one has heard about much of it. I just wanted the pressure on, so is it working????

chris said...

What cat is living with the neighbors? Do they mind?

The Lackey Legend said...

Hey, I had not even thought about that possibility! I just thought it was the move and everything that went to taking care of my old house. What happened to the cats? Is yours the one that ran away, because you moved it's home. Things here are picking up some in our telephone calls. Don't know if that is good or not. How about my genealogy? Luv MOM