Wow, really what can we say about you? You have truly been a shining star in all of our lives. You have taught us many things in life, by example, by patience and by long suffering. You are a woman of value, who understands her calling in life and has been willing to sacrifice for the love of your children. As Elder Ballard said in his recent conference talk, Daughters of God, "the joy of motherhood comes in moments". I am sure that is how you have felt on numerous occassions . I know I have. I love that I can now know what you dealt with on numerous occassions and relate to being a mother. It truly is a feat to have to raise children, and you did it with 8 of us!!! (plus a few here and there). Thanks for all you do, for being the example that you are and for showing us love unconditionally. We love and appreciate you!!!
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