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Monday, November 5, 2007

Rude, Rude, Rude

So let me just tell you how rude people are here. It is absolutely unreal. I think nobody worries about anyone else except for numeral UNO and they are all so inconsiderate. Even the kids. We ride bikes or walk to school for the most part and parents and kids alike will be walking across the entire span of the sidewalk and instead of scooting over or walking single file to let someone by you have to go around off of the sidewalk or onto the street. Drivers don't give pedestrians and bikers the right of way unless they absolutely have to and they will let you know you are in their way by honking or using sign language if you get my drift. When we do drive to school it is just as bad as LA has to have the worst drivers in the country here. People dropping their kids off will pull over to the side and then when they are ready to go they just pull out and go regardless of any car right next to them. My fear is I am becoming just as rude and impolite as I drive around in the madness. It is really hard to remain cheery when everyone else is just the opposite.

1 comment:

BS and the Kids said...

We always knew there was a truth to California drivers. Just change it, play it forward.