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Monday, November 26, 2007

Celebrating Lackey Style

I think we would all agree that this weekend will be one remembered. It was chaotic, as usual, but how wonderful it was for almost all of us to be together on such a special occasion. Mom and Dad did a wonderful job speaking on Sunday. I don't think there is anything that can make one more nostalgic than speaking of the past, present, and future and then speaking of ones fears to go with it. We truly are blessed and have been ... "Given Much". There is much adversary out there but if we can teach our children what mom and dad taught us, I think they will all come out on top. I hope you enjoy the pictures from the weekend. There are some from most of the festivities. From Thanksgiving dinner, to Lightening after it, to Christmas with the grandkids, and Christmas with the kids. There are pictures from Santa Claus coming and from Dora the Explorer getting beat with a stick. And then there are pictures from the dinner on Sunday, and just some of kids playing with kids. I tried to get some of everyone, but obviously missed a few. But they are definitely moments to be remembered and cherished and placed in our hearts. It will be a couple of years before we have a gathering of sorts again. And hopefully, with answered prayers and a watchful hand, we will only have grown in numbers. Until we meet again... God Speed.


globaljunkie said...

why is God speeding? if he were God wouldn't he stay within the prescribed speed limit?

chris said...

leave it to you to have that all uploaded the day after...i'm still recovering from the drive but will attempt to put up our pics later this week