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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Angels

My Boys
Lucas and Joshua

Every day I thank Heavenly Father for them, and my dear wife and pray that I can have LOTS of time to spend with them all. They are my life.

Lucas the Capoerista

Lucas is so strong. He now does summersaults, front handsprings and handstands. He gingas, kicks and esquivas and plays the Berrimbau.


Joshua is now smiling back when you smile at him, and working on cooing. He is mostly calm, hardly cries and grunts a lot. He is a sweet little boy.


chris said...

Those are some pretty adorable angels.

BS and the Kids said...

Cute pictures, but Joshua looks huge compared to Lucas in that first picture...what did they do, superimpose him in there? Just curious

jabberwock said...

Put my black wool peacoat on the bed. Put Joshua on coat with Lucas behind him. Knelt in front of joshua and snapped photo.

Made black and white with editing software.


Qmann said...

how sweet they are. does it seem to you that Joshua looks more like Ivanna. maybe he is still to young to tell, but i think i remember Lucas looking just like you very early on.