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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Time to buy stock in skido

Snow has started to accumulate here in Rigby. Has been snowing for about the last 5 days and some snow is in the forecast for every day for the next week. Don't tell him but I bought Lucas a little pair of cross country skis for Christmas. Looks like he will have plenty of opportunities to us them. We currently have 6-8 inches in the front yard and it is still snowing. If this year is anything like the last we should have 2-3 feet by the end of February. Then again it could warm up and it all melt..... but the projected Hi temps for the next week at no point exceed 20 f.

Idaho Winter Wonderland

Can someone send (email) me Mom and Dad's physical address. We have a couple of Christmas presents we need to send them, though as usual we are late and our gifts will probably get there late.

Lucas participated in his first "Batizado" (capoeira belt ceremony) on Saturday. He got his green-white belt, which is mostly a "welcome to our group" belt, but he can do a number of moves, and is learning more all of the time. He play the pandeiro and berrimbau and sings the songs. He had fun playing with the other kids, and with the adults. He was by far (by a margin of 2 years) the youngest to get a belt.

Mestre Lucas is in the house!


J and J said...

Kevin, probably best to skip the Christmas presents. Save them for when we are home next year. The postage is so high to send any thing over. %0-100 just for a small apckage - we appreciate the thought but hold it till next Christmas. Luv M

chris said...

That global warming for you: snow in Malibu and Vegas.

Lucas is so cute doing that. Glad he can do something so fun with his daddy.

It was 85 here yesterday. Actually had to turn the A/C back on. Taking the kids to Sea World today. Today is the official start of their Christmas vacation. Lucky me.