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Friday, December 5, 2008

Chris will be happy to see this.



chris said...

It is finally picking up covering in the MSM, but all of their "law experts" claim that it will never make it to a trial. Hmmmm...guess we'll know for sure in a few hours. I would hope the SCOTUS would do the honorable thing in defending the constitution, but who know?

chris said...

that should say coverage

Bowb said...

I find it amusing that the so called "legal experts" say this has already been decided by the voters. Since when do the voters get to decide Constitutional issues? What an idiot.

chris said...

Mel Martinez, FL Senator, told us the same thing. IDIOTS!! "The American people vetted Obama when they gave him the primary nomination of the DP and again with the national election win." Yeah, whatever. And he claims to be an atty. We haven't heard of a SCOTUS decision, but should know by Mon. Not holding my breath.