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Friday, September 12, 2008

The Daily Grind

One of the reasons that I don't post more often is due to the fact that I feel that much of my daily activities are very monotonous. I go to school, I go to work, and I study. That's about it. No fun cutsie stories about kids or great adventures, but I guess even the day to day can sometimes be interesting.

Here's a course list of classes that I'm taking this semester:

Basic Immunology
Physiology w/lab
BioInstrumentations w/lab
OChem II w/lab.

Class is every day and lab is once a week per class. I'm learning some very exciting and interesting things about basic body function. So exciting that it keeps my up at night.

By the way, Q-tip, parents said I could just list the sale of the car for a $1. I'll get that sent to you within the next few days.



Bowb said...

Having a bill of sale for $1 will not fly with the DMV. It would be better if you did a gift.

D-Man said...

Fine. If I have too.