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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cancun and other photos

Now available here. Excuse the crappy thumbnails and click for a better pic. Pictures from February and such are here.


J and J said...

I love the pictures. Ivana looks so beautiful, pretty and pregnant. Now just one thing for my fair skinned son. You kept my grandson so covered the first few days I can tell, as you have a sunburn and he does not. However, it looks like you failed to protect his delicate skin towards the end of that vacation as I can see a sunburned grandson. Please, protect him, he is only 1/2 B. and he has those fair genes of yours. He is so cute with those curls and dark complexion, but it can still burn. Tell Ivana she looks great. Give Lucas a hug and kiss from his grandma and Grandpa. Sorry for the scolding! Looks like you had a great time. Will post some of our Armenia trip pictures so you can see the difference of vacations, we had some very pretty scenery also. Luv MOM

jabberwock said...
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jabberwock said...

Actually, Lucas didn't burn. If he looks a little red it is just from the way I post processed the photos using a vivid skin tone filter. We kept him slathered in spf 50 and under a hat most of the time. I got a little pink. the only one who really burned was...... Ivana who didn't use any sunscreen. This picture is from his last night in the pool. I need to get a little better at editing the picture, but when the lighting conditions are such I haven't figured out how to turn up the brightness with out making everyone a little red.