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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Still Alive

No I have not given birth yet. Some minor baby stones have came out but not the big one. The doctos said he could scope me but that sounds like too much fun. You know where that goes. That is an exit only. Have not had much more pain this week. I do feel for people that get stones as they hurt like nothing else. Oh, Death where is thy sting. I was crying like a baby if you really want to know. I couldn't keep any pain medication down as I was puking it up. So back to the ER to get more morphine. I guess we will see where it is at and go from there. As long as the pain stays away I shall keep all wires from evaisive action.

The rest of the family is well, but most of us have respiratory viruses. The kids are off the next few days and Marin and I are heading to LV with Truman and Angie. It will be a nice break from the kids for a few days. Not that we don't love them but if we don't come back it won't be too soon.

1 comment:

globaljunkie said...

I have had 3 stones, join the club. yes, the pain gets to the point where you puke up the pills, I find IV drip or direct injection works best. fortunately for me mine only hurt for 6-8 hours and then the stone pops out about a week later. Can't wait for the enxt one....Lay off the diet coke and drink more water. is LV a good idea? save your money!!!